Monday, February 8, 2010

Sadly Yvonne died peacefully at midday today,with her mum and Christina at her side.

She was an amazing woman whose vast knowledge knew no bounds and amazed those around her. She had an enthusiasm for life and it's opportunities, which manifested itself in the continuous flow of bizarre projects, schemes and ideas, existed right up until the end.

Her strength and courage within the last months has been an inspirational example as to the way to live your life.

She will be much missed and loved by many and her spirit will live on in those whose lives she touched and who have learnt so much from her.


  1. My thoughts are with Margaret and Christina and I will miss Yvonne so much.

    Tuula x

  2. Darling Von. I'm so glad I had that wonderful hug when I came to visit you 2 weeks ago. I will miss your strength and total love for life, family & friends.
    Margaret, Christina & Tricia, words can't express the loss you must feel, my thoughts are with you
    Love Jeanette x

  3. It seems impossible we will not see Yvonne again; the memory of knowing her will always shine in my heart.

    Jessica x

  4. I can't begin to number the things I will deeply miss about Yvonne - our chats about Suffolk, sharing homemade soup on Wednesdays and her amazing generosity - to name but a few. I will always smile when I remember Yvonne. Rest peacefully my dear friend x x x x Angela

  5. RIP Yvonne, very sad day

    Mary Shearer xx

  6. denisejaques@hotmail.comFebruary 8, 2010 at 9:46 AM

    Such a sad day.
    Yvonne will be dearly missed. I can't believe she's gone, but the memories of such a vibrant, lovely person will live in my heart forever.
    Denise x

  7. Rest In Peace Yvonne... We will all miss your presence... Love Always, Amy S x x x

  8. Yvonne was a remarkable woman. Her love of life and the people around her will be sadly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.
    My thoughts are with you all at this sad time.
    Jenny X

  9. there are few people who really do have an effect on your life and the route it takes, i can say that knowing Yvonne and her belief in my ability has changed my life for the better.
    Thankyou Yvonne.


  10. I did not know her that well or had the pleasure of working with her maybe at a few meetings but her presence in the college was huge. Everyone I knew had so much respect and high esteem for her. My thoughts are with the family at this sad time.

  11. Dear Yvonne:

    Fear no more the heat o' the sun,
    Nor the furious winter's rages,
    Thou thy worldly task has done,
    Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages.
    Golden lads and girls all must,
    Like chimney-sweepers come to dust.

    Fear no more the frown o' the great,
    Thou art past the tyrant's stroke,
    Care no more to clothe and eat,
    To thee the reed is as the oak;
    The sceptre, learning, physic must
    All follow this, and come to dust.

    Fear no more the lightning flash,
    Nor th' all-dreaded thunderstone.
    Fear not slander, censure rash.
    Thou hast finished joy and moan.
    All lovers young, all lovers must,
    Consign to thee and come to dust.

    No exorciser harm thee,
    Nor no witchcraft charm thee.
    Ghost unlaid forebear thee.
    Nothing ill come near thee.
    Quiet consummation have,
    And renowned be thy grave.

    (William Shakespeare)

  12. Shine like a Star in the sky Yvonne,
    You will always be remembered by those whose hearts you touched!
    Love always
    Gill, Sedona & Scarlett XXX

  13. Yvonne was an amazing colleague at SAAC with her tremendous care for her tutors and learners. I learnt a lot from her about being a team leader.
    She also became a loved friend who shared similar interests- the theatre,music,art, walking,good food and wine and of course her fanastic conversation. She was highly intelligent and well read and you always came away from a conversation with her knowing more than when you started the talk. She combined this with her creative imagination producing fine works of art in between everything else she did-astounding us all with her energy. Not least she had a wealth of friends and contacts-all who miss her now greatly. It was a privilege to know her and she will remain in our hearts. Love to her beloved mother, Margaret, too.
    Love Tina

  14. Very saddened to hear this news......I worked with Yvonne a few years ago at SACC.

    Some years ago a few of us from the college went to see Joan Baez at the Cliffs. I offered Yvonne a lift and when my husband Bob and I went to collect her, she immediately remembered Bob from his Fishing Tackle Shop - Yvonne had bought a quantity of very strong fishing line to use in a dressmaking project. Given that around 20 years had elapsed since Yvonne had last seen Bob, it was amazing that she recalled him so instantly. A steady stream of students were soon visiting the shop to buy the fishing line as it was certainly a great deal cheaper than the alternative. Yvonne and I later chatted about it and she told how she had knitted a tank-top with the remaining fishing line!

    An extremely bright, talented woman who was very much respected by her colleagues and her students.

    A devastating loss for her family and friends.

    Sincerest condolences.....

    Jean Broadbent

  15. I remember walking around the grounds of the Alhambra in Granada with Yvonne and Melba. Yvonne told us a story of a trip she took to Spain as a child with her parents when they stayed at the hotel in the grounds of the palace. Typically of Yvonne, she remembered every detail, could recount the history, describe the art, discuss the wildlife and name all of the plants in an effortless and entertaining way. I believe that you could go anywhere in the world with Yvonne and never have a better tour guide.

  16. Yvonne, you will always be my inspiration. Someone who treasure every little things in life and gives from the bottom of her heart.

    I remember you knitting scarf thoughout lunch and tea-time at SACC to raise money for charities, your lovely art exhibitions in Leigh and your kindness to all. I'll miss you dearly and my thoughts are with your family.

    Lots of love
    On On xxx
